Community Participation
Jay Hawkins has a long history of involvement in many local and regional organizations. He is proud to work as a participant or chairperson when called upon to help raise awareness, funds, or to organize support for great causes.
Hawkins Lease Service, it’s owners, and our employees embrace the opportunity to make our communities a better place. We are proud to participate in the following organizations and honored to receive the following awards:
- Member Alvin Manvel Chamber of Commerce sine 1982
- Alvin Manvel Chamber of Commerce Leadership Class of 1991
- Alvin Manvel Cof C Director 1991-1992
- Member AESC ( Association of Energy Servicing Companies ) since 1990
- Lions International Member Since 1990
- Lion of the year 1993-1994
- Lions President 1995
- Melvin Jones Recipient 1999
- Texas Mutual Insurance Oil and Gas Roundtable Safety Group since 2001
- Texas Oil and Gas Association Safety Advisory Group since 2005
- NCCER Accredited Assessment Center since 2004
- Brazoria County Community Foundation Philanthropist Award 2009
- Brazoria County Business Hall of Fame 2010
- Alvin Community College Foundation President 2011-2013
- Alvin Manvel Chamber of Commerce Chairman 2014
- The Bootstrap Foundation President 2010-2014
Bootstrap Foundation
Hawkins Lease Service has a long history of partnering with local, regional and national charities to help raise awareness and funds to benefit our communities.
Will Hawkins is proud to serve as president and co-founder of The Bootstrap Foundation, a 501(c)(3) with the objective of raising money and awareness for those in immediate need. The organization has donated $80k and counting to worthy causes.
Our employees are coaches, volunteers and mentors in the areas that we work. We strive to help our communities achieve their goals and work towards making our cities better places for local families.